Forrest marks gay porn blog

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I knew at that point, this shoot was going to be fireworks. He’s about 6 feet, 175lbs of lean muscle. GH-ForrestMarks-PhillipAnadarko.mp4 437.23 MB Forrest Marks is our newest stud to join GayHoopla. Same case for these guys but instead Forrest blew Alex to get the both of them rock hard without being told to. Download GayHoopla Newcomer Forrest Marks BOTTOMS for Uncut Jock Phillip Anadarko with Direct link. Share with your friends Want all these hot men in your Inbox Enter your email address: Delivered by Google. We generally start with pictures where the guys would work on getting boners watching porn. A blog for men at play and hot young twinks. They had a glow to them and an extra kick in their step. When it was finally their scene day together, both of them couldn’t stop smiling. They even blew each other off camera several times while throughout the weekend.

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The two would giggle and laugh in the corner all night, talking about who knows what. Yes, he’s had plenty of sex, but he’s been really shy in front of the camera.Īlex Griffen who’s become quite the pro, really took a liking to Forrest after hanging out with him for a few days. Sexual Positions: Versatile Forrest Marks scenes at Gay Hooplaįorrest Marks showed up for his first set of hardcore scenes, a little unsure what to expect.

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